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Lessons learned from a Texas military divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2014 | Military Divorce

During the initial phases of divorce, it is difficult for many Texas spouses to gain a clear and objective perspective on the matter. The end of a marriage is an emotional time, and there are many uncertainties associated with this significant life event. However, most spouses will gain a measure of clarity as time passes, and will find that there are valuable lessons to be learned from their military divorce. The following thoughts are shared in the hopes of giving individuals a glimpse into what may form the base of their own life lessons that come with divorce.

One thing that many divorced spouses understand once the process is over is that a bad relationship very rarely gets better over time. Many people postpone filing for divorce because they hope that things will improve when circumstances change, such as when the kids are older or financial matters improve. In reality, however, most bad relationships simply continue to decline over time. Many spouses who divorce wish that they had done so many years earlier.

Another common realization that follows the end of an unhappy marriage is that it is not only possible to live without one’s spouse, but that many aspects of life actually improve once the relationship ends. This is especially true for military spouses, as they tend to mold their lives around the career needs of their husbands or wives. It is true that a divorce will fundamentally alter one’s daily life, but most people find that those changes are for the better.

When considering filing for divorce, Texas spouses should realize that their thoughts about the matter will almost definitely shift over time. What seems insurmountable and intimidating in the beginning often turns into a source of strength and pride as obstacles are navigated and challenges met. At the end of the day, the life that awaits once the military divorce process is complete is one that each individual has the power to shape according to his or her own needs and desires. That is the message that should endure when doubts and uncertainties arise.

Source: The Huffington Post, “14 Invaluable Life Lessons Learned From Divorce“, Brittany Wong, Aug. 4, 2014
